Forthcoming events

Design Rights: strong but no longer silent is the title of a meeting that takes place on Wednesday 9 January 2008 at 5.30pm for a 6pm start. The venue is Visit London, 2 More London Riverside, London, SE1 2RR. This meeting has been arranged by the Brands Committee of the Licensing Executive Society Britain + Ireland branch. David Stone (Howrey LLP) will be speaking: he spearheads the MARQUES Team that produced a highly useful report -- since updated -- on the first 150 OHIM invalidity decisions relating to registered Community designs.

If you would like to attend this meeting please complete and return the attached registration form to the LES B+I Administrative Office. An optional dinner will follow the meeting. Don't forget to indicate on the registration form whether you would like to attend. Also, if you'd like to become involved with the LES Brands Committee, email Darren Olivier (Bowman Gilfillan) here and he'll add you to the list.

Coming up on Monday 4 February is CLT's annual IT and E-Commerce Update Conference. As usual, IPKat team member Jeremy is chairing it. This event, which is held in Central London, features a strong cast of speakers that includes
* Annie Lachmansingh (Rouse Legal), on domain names, websites, search engines and other internet-related topics;

* James Tumbridge (Milbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy), looking at the point of contact between IP/IT law and competition law in the Court of First Instance's recent Microsoft case.

* John Fell (Pinsent Masons) gives a masterly overview of the big picture in current e-commerce practice, particularly in the light of Web 2.0;

* the perennially popular Robert Carolina (Origin) looks at the problems arising when an IT outsourcing contract comes to an end.
Full details of the programme and instructions on how to book are available here.