IP Finance Group meeting

Earlier this month, the IPKat wrote:

"Following the recent discussions that have taken place between UNCITRAL and intellectual property enthusiasts over the application of its work on a Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions to the collateralisation of intellectual property and IP-driven project finance, it seems that a lot of people on the IP side are concerned about the topic but that there isn't a natural forum for them to come together and talk.

Right: talking of securitisation, this charming Kat money box can keep your assets safe.

To this end, the IPKat is curious to know who might like to attend an informal gathering where IP finance people can just meet each other and exchange ideas/phobias. If you'd like to attend a gathering -- probably in mid-to-late January somewhere in London -- and/or just want to be kept informed, please email the IPKat here and let him know".

Well, the IPKat now has a list of around 20 people who have expressed their interest (they will be circulated at the end of this week) and he has also secured a venue for a brief getting-to-know-you and how-do-we-take-it-from-here meeting. Details are as follows: date, Wednesday 30 January; time 5.30pm to 6.45pm; venue the London office of Olswang, here; star attraction - Eva Lehnert (IFPI) will give a short resume of the state of play at UNCITRAL. Light refreshments will be provided. If you'd like to come, or if you can't come but would like to be kept informed of further developments, email the IPKat here.