IP roundup conference
The 12th Annual Intellectual Property Law Conference, held each year in London under the aegis of CLT, takes place on Wednesday 30 January 2008. As usual, it will be chaired by IPKat team blogger Jeremy, but the real attractions lie with the selection of expert speakers. This event is a bit of a Woodstock, as afficionados gather together for a blissful session of peace, love and IP. The panel includes
* Ian Karet (Linklaters), delivering a delicious fare for patent enthusiasts, including the controversial issue of costs ("can winners be losers?")'For full programme and booking details click here
* Phillip Johnson (7 New Square), explaining what the institutional shifts within the IP superstructure mean for IP users on an everyday basis;
* Joel Barry (Olswang) on the current landmarks in UK and European trade mark infringement law;
* Justin Patten (Human Law) pleads the case for mediation as an highly useful way to tackle IP disputes involving small or under-resourced parties.