The final Patent World for 2007 is also the first for 2008, being the December/January issue of this near-monthly from
serial IP publishers Informa. The cover story, "Farewell patent patchwork--hello Compat?", is a summary of recent shifts in the tectonic plates on which patent litigation in Europe is based. The author is IPKat team blogger
Jeremy, who founded
Patent World and was its first editor 20 years ago. Other features include
* an explanation by Otto Swens and Hidde Koenraad (Vondst Advocaten) on the centralised post-grant amendment of European patents provided for in EPC2000 (the souped-up version of the European Patent Convention);
* "The door is left open", by Simmons & Simmons duo Rowan Freeland and Angus McLean, this being an analysis of the Court of Appeal for England and Wales decision in Les Laboratoires Servier v Apotex on the continuation of interim injunctions pending appeal in patent infringement disputes involving generic drug patents.