Perl Scripting Book

It looks like my Perl Scripting book made it out just in time for Christmas!

Oddly enough, it only seems to be available on Amazon...I can't seem to locate it on the Syngress site, but I did find it on the Elsevier site (Elsevier owns Syngress).

Perl Scripting for IT Security is not a follow-on or companion to my previous book, Windows Forensic Analysis. Rather, it goes more into showing what can be done, and how it can be done, in the world of Incident Response and Computer Forensics Analysis using an open-source solution such as Perl. The book, in part, shows that with a little bit of knowledge and skill, we are no longer limited to viewing only what our commercial forensic analysis tools show us.

Addendum, 28 Dec: A box showed up on my doorstep today, with several copies of the book! Woot!