Artifact Repositories

I see posts in a number of lists asking about (and for) forensic artifacts for P2P applications...lately, there have been several about LimeWire. For the most part, general questions regarding P2P apps drift toward...well...general questions, like "has anyone ever dealt with this" kind of questions. When specific apps are named, like LimeWire, specific questions are asked, such as "what are the contents of this file?" I can easily see how these issues would be relevant to cases involving files being shared, whether they are illicit images, or company proprietary information and IP.

It has occurred to me, time and again, that what is needed is a central repository of forensic artifact information. Something like a searchable database portal where you can login, type in a few keywords, and obtain a listing of relevant articles. These articles could be downloadable PDF documents...something that you can take with you, print out, etc. These articles would be written for forensic analysts, by forensic analysts...that way, they would contain relevant information, as well as have tips for techniques to use for data extraction and analysis, or even the tools themselves.

Now, the question becomes...if this repository were to contain more than just a few articles on forensic artifacts of P2P applications, but instead covered other areas, and even addressed other OSs, is this something you would pay for? Far too often in this community, when something is provided for free, it languishes it tools, information, or books. An annual subscription fee would be necessary to keep something like this up and running.

Now, articles would be updated, of course, and information would constantly be added to the library. Something like this could also have a forum where information could be exchanged, and clarify questions could be asked. Also, a subscriber could request additional information or make a request for the latest version of the app to be examined.

Is there anything else you'd like to see, or wouldn't like to see in something like this? Does this make any sense at all?