Electronic filing, the latest news

The IPKat thanks his friend and fellow MARQUES activist David Stone (Howrey) for sending him a bit of welcome news for all who believe in international protection for industrial designs and like playing with their computers. WIPO has today issued a notice concerning the Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs. It reads:

"Please note that information notice N° 13/2007 concerning the Electronic Filing of International Applications is now available on the WIPO website at: http://www.wipo.int/hague/en/notices/index.jsp".
Right: no-one told Mr Pawsworthy that the electronic filing was for designs, not claws ...

If you click through, you will find, among other treasures, a file called Electronic Filing of International Applications, dated 27 December. Click it and you discover the following:

"1. ... as of January 14, 2008, it will be possible to file applications governed exclusively or partly by the 1999 Act or the 1960 Act of the Hague Agreement through an electronic filing interface, available on WIPO’s website at http://www.wipo.int/hague/en.

2. Pursuant to Section 204(a)(i) of the Administrative Instructions ..., the International Bureau has published the particulars applicable to this electronic filing interface. These are attached to the present notice for users’ convenience. In addition to referring to these particulars, users are invited to consult document DM/1.INF (“Explanatory Notes on the Official Application form DM/1) when filling in an international application through the electronic filing interface.

December 27, 2007

Electronic Communications under the Hague Agreement

Pursuant to Section 204(a)(i) of the Administrative Instructions ..., the International Bureau has ascertained the following manner and format for electronic communications:

Electronic filing of international applications

a) An international application filed through the electronic filing interface made available by the International Bureau on its website is deemed to be an international application presented on the official form under Rule 7(1)(a) of the Common Regulations ....

b) Any reproduction or power of attorney accompanying an international application filed through the electronic filing interface shall be in the following image formats:


c) A reproduction or power of attorney accompanying an international application filed through the electronic filing interface shall not exceed the following file size:

– 2 megabytes

d) Any reproduction accompanying an application filed through the electronic filing interface shall be in a combination of pixel number and resolution such that, when that reproduction is printed, the dimensions of the representation of each industrial design appearing in a photograph or other graphic representation will not exceed 16 x 16 centimeters, and one of those dimensions will be at least 3 centimeters.

January 1, 2008".