Full speed ahead for INTA regatta

Right: Sydney is no stranger to regattas. This one was from the Paralympics held there in 2000.
The event takes place on 11-12 March at the Sheraton on the Park Hotel, Sydney. According to the web-blurb:
"In a year when Australia-based 2008 INTA President Elect Rhonda Steele will turn the world upside down and look at things from a different perspective, learn about trademark issues faced by brand owners and practitioners in the Asia-Pacific region.Full details here.
Meet with law firm and in-house trademark colleagues, and talk to government officials from all over the world who will be in town and will participate in this joint conference and in a major government trademark forum meeting with IP Australia later on in the week. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to gain valuable knowledge while experiencing the awesome beauty of the city of Sydney.
The educational sessions will focus on issues facing trademarks throughout the region, including:
Issues impacting the future direction of trademarks
Indigenous Peoples and trademarks
Nontraditional trademarks – A review of Trade Mark Office and Court decisions, and the attitude toward survey evidence
Protection of famous trademarks and related dilution issues
Madrid Protocol – Has it been good for business?
A roundup of Internet issues
Case studies and successful branding strategies".