Alison Brimelow on the EPO's future

The IPKat has spotted an interesting article here where Ms Brimelow , the current president of the European Patent Office, has been speaking her mind about where the EPO might be heading in the near, middle and distant future.

(right, Alison in a slightly less severe picture than the one from the EPO here)

This Kat was particularly interested in the apparent possibility of a referral to the Enlarged Board of Appeal in the near future on the subject of those much-discussed Article 52 exclusions, something that the previous president emphatically said 'non' to (as the IPKat noted here).

Oh, and there's something about Chinese patents.

UPDATE (7 Feb): Apologies to readers who cannot access the article linked to above, which appears now to have been locked-down to subscribers only. It was freely available when the post was originally written.