CIO article on the need for forensics

CIO Magazine out of the UK has an interesting article titled In-depth Investigation that discusses the need for computer forensics capabilities. While it is from across the pond, the message of the article is extremely applicable here in the US, as wel.

I know that as I agree with it, many folks are going to think, "well, yeah, you're a consultant...of course you agree with this article, because it recommends that companies hire you!" And yes, that's true...I am a consultant, and in most cases a company would have to hire someone like me to come in and do the kind of work that is recommended.

However, even taking e-discovery out of the equation for a moment, with the increase in state notification laws (goin' federal in the near future...), as well as the regulatory stuff (SEC, PCI Council, FISMA, HIPAA, etc.), a forensics capability is being mandated. The decision has been left to organizations, and they've opted not to develop the capability...and now many organizations are being told that they have to have it.

My personal thought on this is that ideally what an organization would want to do is develop an in-house capability for tier 1 response...trained folks whose job it is to respond to, triage, and diagnose a technical IT incident. By "trained", I mean in the basics, such as NSM, incident response, troubleshooting, etc...enough to be able to triage and accurately diagnose level 1 and 2 incidents, as well as preserve data until outside professionals can respond to level 3 or 4 incidents.

That leads to one other thought...many times when folks like me recommend that an outside third-party be called to perform incident response and/or computer forensic activities, it's not so much because we want your money (well, that IS part of it...), but look at it this way...if your organization is mandated (by the PCI Council, for example) to have a pen test performed, how well do you think they're going to accept the results when your report says that your own IT employees performed the pen test against the systems they set up, and they found no way to get in? Having an outside third party do this kind of thing adds credibility to the report...besides, this is what we do all the time. ;-)