Jesse rides again!

Jesse Kornblum has done it again! Jesse's one of those guys who releases some really amazing tools for use in the IR and forensic analysis space, and he's done it again with "Miss Identify".

Miss Identify is a tool to look for Win32 applications through the use of file signature analysis. By default, it looks for Win32 apps (per the PE header) that do not have executable file extensions. As with Jesse's other tools, Miss Identify is rich with features, all of which are configurable from the command line.

So, you're probably thinking...okay, so what? You can already do this sort of thing with other tools, right? What makes this tool so Super Bad, McLovin?? Well, right now, there are a number of ways that a forensic analyst can identify malware in an acquired image, including checking the logs of any AV app that is already installed, or mounting the image and running an AV scanner or hash set comparison tool. However, two issues arise with these is that there are legitimate tools that can and are used for malicious purposes. The other is that signatures (AV signatures, hashes, etc.) don't always work. However, there is one thing that all malware must be, and that is executable!

Miss Identify can also print strings that are found in the files, as well. This is great because you may find an executable file in the system32 directory that has a Microsoft-sounding name, but does not contain the MS copyright info embedded in the resource strings. This would be a "clue".

The use of Miss Identify doesn't replace other analysis and data reduction techniques, but instead augments them. This is without a doubt a useful tool, and one that should be considered for use by all sysadmins, first responders, as well as forensic analysts.

A round of applause for Jesse, everyone!

Also, I love the "Hollywood teaser" Jesse used to let everyone know what was coming! Speaking of teasers, isn't IronMan coming out soon....? Can you think of a better way to get Marvel Comics and Black Sabbath to come together??? ;-)

Addendum: I reached out to Jesse and mentioned to him that it might be useful to parse out the file version information from an executable, rather than all of the strings. Also, reading through the comments to Jesse's blog, there are some very useful tips pointed out...for example, finding an executable file in a user's browser cache might be considered by some examiners to be a "clue"... ;-)