Forthcoming events

Now here are a couple of events you may wish to note. The first is the Domains, Domain Disputes and Brands Conference 2008, organised by CLT and to be held in London on Wednesday 15 May 2008. This programme is conceived by the IPKat's friend, fellow-blogger and Solo IP activist Shireen Smith (Azrights solicitors), who incidentally is chairing the day and doing some of the serious speaking too. Topics covered include

* an introduction to trade marks and online branding;
* internet IP management - the proactive approach;
* valuing domain names - if you can't recover a domain name through dispute resolution, what will it cost to buy it?
* .uk and .eu dispute resolution;
* domain name recovery through litigation.

The all-star cast for the day includes the evergreen veteran Tony Willoughby (Rouse Legal), Olswang's rising star Joel Vertes and live-wire controversialist Jim Davies (Bell Dening). For further details read on, here.

Also on CLT's agenda, on Tuesday 6 May, is the Intellectual Property, Sport and the Law Conference 2008 -- to be held in London. IPKat team blogger Jeremy is in the chair. Topics covered in this programme include

* risks and opportunities
* dissemination of sports events: the Big Scene
* dissemination of sports events: sorting out the Production Side
* sponsorship of events, venues and sports participants
* merchandising rights in souvenirs and memorabilia
* sports personalities’ image rights
* ambush marketing: friend or foe?

Speakers at this event include partners John Enser and Iain Stansfield (Olswang), Macfarlane's Carina Badger and barrister Phillip Johnson (7 New Square).

For further details read on, here.