"Why is IP so unloved?"

The Intellectual Property Institute (IPI) has posed the question “why is IP so misunderstood or unloved by so many people?” Those who work with IP know how valuable IP is in so many dimensions. So, in marketing terms, the IPI asks, why is IP “a tainted brand” and, more importantly, what can be done about it?

Last autumn the IPI commissioned some research into public understanding of, and attitudes concerning, IP. The results of this research, which are to be the baseline for further discussion and analysis, will be presented by the lead researcher, Dr Roya Ghafele, in London next week. She will be introducing her findings on Monday 10 March at the office of Olswang, solicitors (90 High Holborn, London WC1V 6XX), from 2pm to 5pm.

There are still a small number of places available for interested participants. If you'd like to be considered for one of them, email Anne Goldstein here at the IPI as soon as possible. If you have any relevant expertise, please let Anne know. The IPKat adds, there is no charge for admission.