SuperKat - more fun, more functionality

Regular visitors to the IPKat weblog will find a few small but potentially significant add-ons dotted around the site. They are
* a Google facility, to the top left hand side of the webpage, that lets you either translate the entire blog into one of five European or three Asian languages (if you click the flag icon) or gives you the opportunity to translate or look up individual words or phrases (if you click the Google Translate icon);

* a Digg button, which you will find at the bottom of each post. Digg is a news-sharing service: if you think an item on the IPKat is so newsworthy that it deserves a wider audience, press the Digg button and it may well score high enough to get one;

* a Slashdot button, which you will spot just next to the Digg button. Slashdot is a "news for nerds" service, which features items recommended by readers of weblogs and that have sufficiently higj law-and-computing content - software patents, open source and so on. The IPKat has been slashdotted a couple of times in the past years, which creates a huge and upwardly mobile, if temporary, surge in the otherwise modest accretion of his readership.
The IPKat hopes you enjoy playing with these new features. Merpel however suspects that they may turn into work avoidance rituals, particularly the Google Translate buttons.

Cats and language here and here
Cats and buttons here and here
Cats and digging here and here