Invitation to the Ipplewhip Party -- for IP solicitors only

The IPKat has just learned that the Intellectual Property Law Working Party (IPLWP, or "Ipplewhip" as the IPKat assumes it must be pronounced) of the Law Society for England and Wales is seeking to fill up to six vacancies, for which it invites applications for membership.

Right: After the Working Party meeting finishes, members relax and enjoy the cordiality of each others' company

According to the official announcement,

"... The IPLWP is specifically looking for intellectual property solicitors, from both private practice and industry, specialising in all aspects of IP.

Applicants should be willing to be active participants in the work of the IPLWP, and should be able to commit to four meetings a year, in central London, from 6.00pm to 8.00pm. Meetings for 2008 take place on 29 April, 23 July and 22 October.

The Law Society wishes to encourage applications from IP solicitors irrespective of gender, race, colour, age, sexual orientation or disability, and appointments will be based on merit, following an open and clear selection process".

If you are interested in applying, please contact Gareth Sykes at Constitutional Affairs, The Law Society, 113 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1PLE -- or just email him. Closing date for applications is Tuesday, 27 May 2008.

The IPKat, who loves parties, hopes that lots of eager people will apply.

More parties here, here, here and (a favourite of lawyers) here