Mills not so dark and satanic

It must be the season for good deeds and fine sentiments. The IPKat has discovered that Andrew Mills (Head of IP & Litigation in Experian's Nottingham office) is doing a sponsored walk this coming Sunday, 27 April 2008. Don't feel sorry for him. This is a 10-mile walk in the beautiful Peak District which has as its objective -- apart from giving Andrew a fine tan and a few lungsful of fresh aire -- the chance to raise funds for Marie Curie Cancer Care.

To find out more about the event and the good work of Marie Curie Cancer Care visit its webpage for the event here. If you'd like to see what the Peak District looks like, here is a link to Google Maps centred on the lovely village of Edale, the starting point for the walk.

Andrew has secured matching funding from Experian Limited, which has pledged to make an equivalent donation to whatever he can raise. So if either (i) you support Marie Curie Cancer Care or (ii) would like to do your bit to impoverish Experian, please donate here. Apparently even small donations are welcome ...

Beautiful Peak District here
Dark satanic mills here
Cures for sore feet here and ((Merpel recommends) here