Registry Analysis Myths

No, sorry...I don't have a lisp...

Based on a recent comment, it occurred to me that there are several myths regarding Registry analysis that are apparently accepted as fact...and I'd like to address those myths...

Myth #1
Registry analysis is time intensive.
Anything we don't understand is inherently "time intensive" due to the learning curve. However, think about when you were a teen-ager (for folks like me, that era is lost in the mists of time...) and you had a passionate desire to learn to drive. Learning to drive was time intensive, wasn't it? After all, in most cases, we didn't know how and had to learn...which took time (more so if you were learning to drive a stick). Leap forward to adulthood, and think about how "time intensive" it was to learn to do computer forensic analysis, either on your own or through vendor-specific training. Until you understand something, everything is time intensive. Maybe Blade said it best: When you understand the nature of a thing, you know what it's capable of.

Tools like the RegRipper remove the need for opening hive files by hand to search for specific keys, value names and data, and then, if necessary, translating them by hand. How cumbersome would it be to navigate to the UserAssist keys via RegEdit, and have to translate every value name (un-ROT-13) and then translate every FILETIME object? Eesh...I don't wanna think about it...b/c I can do it quickly by firing up the RegRipper, or just use rip.exe. Fast, efficient, and I get my output sorted based on the timestamps. Suh-weet!

Myth #2a
Registry analysis solves everything.
Not any other form of forensic analysis, Registry analysis has its own inherent limitations. For one, if the data isn't there, it can't be analyzed...kind of simplistic, I know, but thanks to shows like CSI, some folks think that computer forensics can show files copied to and from a hard drive, without the other piece of media. There are limits to everything.

Myth #2b
Registry analysis has absolutely no benefit.
Again, not true. Registry analysis can show things not evident through traditional forensic analysis, such as associating specific activities with a specific user account, or showing that certain files (by name) were viewed long after the files themselves have been deleted from the system and overwritten. The same is true with applications on the system...information about EXEs that had once been on the system can be found in the UserAssist, MUICache, App Paths, and possibly even in the Uninstall key values.

Registry analysis can also show that certain files had been accessed...not only that they had been, but possibly even when and how/in what manner, by a specific user. Sometimes, this information can't be found through normal ASCII text searches, because the data itself if stored as a binary data type, and must be parsed into something that is human readable.