
I was reading a list entry recently, looking at some of the functionality that was being added to a popular forensic analysis application, and I got to thinking...what areas of what we do (incident response and computer forensic analysis) are in need of innovation? What could we do better, through process or whatever, to do what we do better...more efficiently, more accurately, more completely?

What about adding functionality to forensic analysis applications? In the instance I was looking at, the request that had been granted was to add parsing of ASCII-based logs to the application. Is this really necessary? Is this something that needs to be added to applications that are still unstable, crash without notice or without any sort of debugging information, and currently contain far too much "functionality" so as to require a certification just to use the application (forget doing actual forensic analysis).

I'm not picking on any one application either. There's another one that I like a lot, and updates have been delayed while functionality is being added to it...functionality that is available in other tools.

What I'd like to see is a core, stable application capable of opening image files, and allowing the analyst to quickly and accurately perform keyword and grep() searches, for file content, file names, etc. From that point on, major functionality (such as parsing PST files) could be easily added as plugins, allowing the core application to remain stable.

I'm also a firm believer that too much functionality in a forensic analysis application moves that analyst further and further away from understanding the data itself. As analysts are removed from the data, their understanding of what's expected and what's unusual or suspicious lessens. One person can't be expected to know everything, but that's why we have a "community", right? Having analysts that understand how various pieces of data interact to build a more complete picture is extremely important, particularly as the sophistication of cybercrime continues to rise.

What are some areas that you feel need a little innovation? How about just shook up enough to flake off the shell of "...but that's how we've always done it"?