SABIP members announced

The IPKat has been a bit slow in reporting that the Secretary of State for Innovation, University and Skills has announced the members of the Strategic Advisory Board for Intellectual Property (lovingly known as SABIP). They are:

  • Dame Lynne Brindley - Chief Executive of the British Library
  • Dr. Cathy Garner - Chief Executive of Manchester Knowledge Capital
  • Professor John Pickering - Member of the Competition Appeal Tribunal and Business Consultant
  • Dr. Jonathan Spencer CB - former Director General at the Departments of Trade and Industry and Constitutional Affairs and member of the Solicitors' Regulation Authority
  • Iain Wilcock - Founder and Deputy Managing Director of Quester Capital, a healthcare investment company
SABIP has been set up in response to a recommendation contained in the Gowers Review.

The IPKat thinks it looks like quite a nicely balanced group, though he notes that there's no one who seems overtly 'trade markey' on the Board.