Anyone planning or already registered to attend SANSFIRE this year? I'm hopefully working out a hurdle that would have prevented me from attending. This will be my fourth year in a row for D.C. I've attended conferences at other venues (New York City, San Francisco) but definitely prefer this one. There is an eclectic group of attendees of business, academia, government and military, like all SANS conferences, but with more than the usual share of defense folks and three letter agencies represented. And of course D.C. is the major network security hub with all the government and military contracts, so there's always a huge vendor expo and lot's of NetSec notables walking around. I can't imagine doing SANS at Orlando, or Virginia Beach or Vegas. There's so much extra to take advantage of with SANS At Night, Bird of a Feather sessions, special presentations by groups like the ISC Handlers... I try to schedule something every night to get more knowledge while I'm there.