The Aerotel patent -- from the horse's mouth

Further to the IPKat's previous post, it now appears that a copy of the court's decision to invalidate Aerotel's patent has mysteriously found its way into his possession. It's 57 pages long and is a Patents Court decision of Judge Michael Fysh QC, sitting as a judge of the High Court. The Kat hasn't had a chance to read it yet and, since the first thing he spotted was an uncharacteristic typo or mis-spelling, he suspects that it may be subject to further revision. No version has yet appeared on BAILII. Anyone wanting to take a look at it should contact Jeremy here.

UPDATE (23 May): The full judgment is now available on BAILII here. To quote HHJ Fysh: "The Patent is invalid on the grounds of obviousness and excluded matter and will be revoked". End of story?