The bear that came in from the cold

Taking pity on his plight, the Olswang staff rescued him and brought him in. But what could they do next? A casual inspection revealed that he was not an INTA registrant because he didn't have a badge. Subsequent due diligence did not reveal his name. The words 'Knut' and 'Steiff' were found attached to him. However, they appeared guarantees as to the unity of the origin of both him and his many brothers. In short, he was a Knut bear and a Steiff bear, but not Knut Steiff.
This being so, it has been decided to put this sweet little fellow up for adoption, as a prize to whoever can suggest the best name for him. The closing date for suggestions is midnight (British Summer Time) on Monday 26 May. Please send your suggestions by email here, with the words "Knut Kompetition" in the subject line. Entries will not be individually acknowledged, but the best names will be published on this weblog.
For some helpful literature on the naming of polar bears, visit Class 46 and key the word "polar" into the little box next to the words 'Search blog'.