Fancy improving your IP writing skills?

Two years ago the IPKat, under the auspices of team blogger Jeremy, ran a half-day course entitled "How to Improve Your Intellectual Property Writing Skills". The course covered basic principles of good writing, then moved on to genres such as articles, case notes, correspondence and summaries, looking at writing conventions, best practices and worst mistakes. The course culminated with an exercise in which an article published in a well-known journal was dissected and critically analysed by participants. There was also a piece of optional homework, in the form of a case note which the IPKat corrected and sent back with comments.

This course turned out to be quite fun and was held three times, welcoming participants from several countries and many different linguistic backgrounds.

Jeremy is proposing to offer this course again, if (as he suspects) there is sufficient demand for it. If will be offered initially in Central London and will be very reasonably priced (two years ago it was £65; it will be a little more this time round, but definitely under £100, inclusive of course materials and light refreshments).

If you want to improve your writing skills -- or want to improve the skills of a colleague -- and want to be kept informed, email Jeremy here and let him know, being sure to use the words "Writing Course" in your email subject line.