NTFS Alternate Data Streams

NTFS Alternate Data Streams (ADSs) have been around since the dawn of...well...NTFS. Windows OSs ship with plenty of tools to create (and execute) ADSs, but the cool thing is that until Vista came along, there were not tools provided with the Windows operating systems that allowed you to see arbitrary ADSs that had been added to your system.

Caveat: There are some tools that do allow you to see specific ADSs, but those are only in very specific instances. Even Windows systems themselves make use of some specific ADSs, as well.

And, yes, you heard me right...from NT up through Windows XP and 2003, someone could create arbitrary ADSs on your system, using tools on the system...but there are no tools that ship as part of the OS that allow you (as an admin) to find and/or view these ADSs. On Vista, you can use dir /R to view arbitrary ADSs.

An interesting kicker is that ADS can not only be attached to files, but directory listings, as well, using the same command line syntax, with a slight alteration...

D:\>type c:\windows\system32\calc.exe > d:\ads\:calc.exe

Running tools such as LADS (from Frank Heyne, see below) we see that the ADS is indeed attached to the directory listing. We can launch this executable using the same syntax as was used to create it:

D:\>start d:\ads:calc.exe

Pretty sweet, huh? This is how tlist.exe sees it:

2640 ads:calc.exe Calculator Command Line: "d:\ads:calc.exe"

You see pretty much the same thing in Task Manager, as well.

This topic is covered in both of my books...Windows Forensics and Incident Recovery and Windows Forensic Analysis. From these resources, you can see that ADSs can be used to "hide" files and data, but also be used as a repository for executables, as well as scripts.


My original paper, The Dark Side of NTFS
Frank Heyne's LADS
SoftCorp scSTREAMS
Rootkit that uses ADSs
WindowsIR on ADSs