The UK-IPO's Corporate Plan

The UK Patent Office, who persist in calling themselves the UK Intellectual Property Office, have issued a corporate plan, announced on their website here yesterday. They say that this is an ambitious and demanding programme of work for itself and its "delivery partners", and is apparently a new way of working, following the Gowers report and last year's 'Innovation Nation' white paper.

(Right: the plan's cover page. What can it all mean? Is it something like that Coldplay album?)

The Minister for Intellectual Property, Baroness Delyth Morgan, says that the Government's goal is now to make the UK the best place in the world to run a creative, innovative business, with new knowledge and ideas being exploited to develop more effective products, services, processes and organisations a vital step in achieving this goal. The plan, she says, sets a "very clear and dynamic programme of activity for the next three years".

The IPKat, who is very impressed by the colourful layout of the plan, is unfortunately completely unable to tell his readers what any of it means. He was looking for some snappy soundbites to show his readers what a forward thinking and dynamic outfit he knows the UK-IPO to be, but unfortunately couldn't find anything that he could make any sense of. The following, being two of the UK-IPO's goals for next year (31 March 2009, to be precise), will therefore have to do:
  • "We will have ensured that any decisions in the EU affecting the patent system are influenced by UK thinking and show clear potential benefits for business and society (one year goal).
  • We will have shown that thinking on the CTM system has been developed on the basis of economic evidence and UK policy objectives (one year goal)."
Could any of his readers help the IPKat and others see what is really going to happen over the next 3 years (other than Baroness Morgan losing her job)?

More management speak here, here and here.