Computer Weekly Blog Awards 2008 -- and the winner is ...


IT Law Blogs

IT Blog Awards

The IPKat, Merpel, Tufty and their human assistants are all a-flutter at the moment, having just learned that the IT Blog Awards for 2008 have been announced. Over 300 nominations were submitted by Computer Weekly readers, including the IPKat -- which surprised him a little since he had never really thought of this weblog as being an "IT Law and Governance" blog. But that was not nearly as surprising as discovering that this blog polled first in the category. With as much humility as a fictional cat can muster, the IPKat is hugely grateful to all those who nominated and voted for him. However he reserves the biggest thanks of all to his readers who, for more than five years, have kept him on his retractable toes by sending him so many snippets of information, valuable perspectives, unwanted but necessary correctives, haikus, limericks and requests for unpublished (sometimes unpublishable) materials. All in all, the Kats reckon that this is a good day for IP as a whole.

You can see the ten shortlists of nominated IT blogs here. IPKat contributor doesn't usually read articles on other people's blogs until they've been there a little while. This is for two reasons: (i) he likes to see them together with any accumulation of comments they attract and [this is the main reason, coming up ...] (ii) he doesn't want to have to fight the temptation to copy what others have said or to risk absorbing subconsciously the contributions of others. Still, he enjoyed squandering some prime blogging time in perusing many of the other nominated sites and must express himself quite impressed with the range of blog-based thought available in the IT sector.