Copying Without Infringing again

The brochure is now available for the Copying Without Infringing Conference, which is being held in London on 26 November. The panel of speakers for the day is very impressive; this year's line-up includes
* Anna Carboni, solicitor-turned-barrister and now an Appointed Person in appeals against the UK-IPO's trade mark decisions;

* Ben Challis, a music law specialist and the man behind the media copyright and media arrangements for the Glastonbury Festival;

* David Stone, a partner in the London office of Howrey and a dedicated design right enthusiast;

* Trevor Cook, partner at Bird & Bird and a highly respected elder statesman in the IP field;

* Ian Karet, partner at Linklaters and a mercurial public speaker on any issue relating to patent rights.
Topics discussed include music sampling as theft or merely cultural evolution; literary plagiarism and the Raj Persaud episode; researching and experimenting around other people's patent rights and the question whether design law is now too complex for anyone to understand it.

IPKat team blogger Jeremy will be in the chair. Watch this space for details of the next IPKat competition, for which complimentary admission (worth £495 plus VAT) is the first ... and only ...prize.