I received an email from AccessData the other day in my work inbox, advertising something called the National Repository for Digital Forensic Intelligence, or NRDFI. According to DC3, this is a joint effort between DC3 and OSU, and it was discussed in this PDF, and in Nov, 2007, some funding was provided.

The AccessData email said that NRDFI is a "knowledge management platform for collecting and sharing digital forensic information." The email goes on to say that the repository has been seeded with over 1000 documents - examiner tips and tricks, whitepapers, digital forensic tool collections, etc.

Sound interesting. Too bad it's completely off-limits to non-LE such as myself, those who have an interest and desire to contribute, but are not sworn officers. To some extent, IMHO, while the NRDFI is definitely a step in the right direction, it's leaving out a lot of folks who can and are willing to contribute.