Two more little milestones

Over the weekend two rather niche IP weblogs notched up small, if gratifying achievements.

The Afro-IP weblog, which seeks to provide a regular flow of information on IP legal and business news from throughout the continent of Africa, secured its 100th email subscriber. Afro-IP contains, as of this morning, 315 searchable posts going back to the turn of the year. Afro Leo (the Afro-IP lion, right) says, "if you have any useful items of African IP legal and commercial news that you'd like to share, let blogmeister Darren Olivier know: you can email him here".

The SOLO IP weblog is a means by which solo intellectual property practitioners, and those in small firms, can keep in touch with one another, share their ideas and offer sympathy and support. This blog has now got its 50th email subscriber. SOLO IP also coordinates social and professional development activities, the next being on 10 September in London, when the group will be addressed by LexisNexis champion of small and medium-sized practitioners Stuart Greenhill. SOLO IP says, you're welcome to attend -- and it's free! (details here).