Copying Without Infringing: new competition

Wednesday 26 November is "Copying Without Infringing" Day. That's when the conference of that name takes place in London, organised by CLT (full details available from the brochure here).

Right: this old copying machine worked so slowly that, by the time you finished copying, the copyright had expired ...

Bookings for this event reached break-even point within a week of the launch date, which suggests that there will be a big attendance this time round. Speakers include
* Legendary design law expert, patent commentator and humourist David Musker, who asks whether the law on product and package design protection is simply too complex to understand and apply;

* Giles Crown (Lewis Silkin) will be giving an advertiser's view on comparative ads and the ECJ's latest ruling, while Dan Smith (Wragge & Co) speakers for brand owners and Olswang's Joel Vertes looks at the issues involving balance between consumers' interests and those of IP owners;

* Perspectives from art-law expert Dan McClean (Withers) on the transformative use of existing art works and from barrister Gwilym Harbottle (Hogarth Chambers) on literary plagiarism and the Raj Persaud episode.
The IPKat is running another competition, the prize on offer being complimentary admission to the conference (normally £495 plus VAT). The competition this time is this: in 20 words or less, tell us "What is the best of intellectual property advice I ever heard?" Please head your emails "Best IP Advice" and send them here. As usual, the best entries will be published on this blog together the author's name -- unless anonymity is requested.