Friday fixatives

The number of events listed in the IPKat's efficiently-updated 'Forthcoming Events' feature, which lives on the left-hand side-bar of this weblog's front page, stands at 49. FREE events are listed in this charming shade of purple ...

Don't forget, if you're in the vicinity of the Grange Hotel from 5.30pm to 7.30pm next Tuesday, at least two members of the IPKat team should be available to join you in a drink to celebrate this weblog's one millionth visit. Details here.

Right: Cat cocktail, one of the lovely stickers available from Purple Moon

Something else not to forget is the IPKat's "Best advice" competition, for which the prize is free entry to the Copying Without Infringing conference (details of competition and conference here). If you are entering the competition, PLEASE remember to put the words "Best Advice Competition" in your email response. The IPKat was scared out of his wits earlier this week when he received what looked like a dire threat to his very existence; it was only when he read the cordial signature at the bottom of the page that he realised that it was a competition entry ...

Returning from the MARQUES conference in Noordwijk, the Netherlands (you can read all about it on this and earlier posts on Class 46), IPKat team member Jeremy was musing about next year's conference. The host town for MARQUES 2009 is Brighton, on the sunny south coast of England. Jeremy was wondering about Brighton's intellectual property connections. Body Shop began its upwardly mobile and highly politicised existence in Brighton, and Graham Greene wrote a celebrated, pretty scary novel called Brighton Rock -- , later turned into a movie that helped launch Richard Attenborough's acting career. But what else is there? If you can think of any good IP connections with Brighton, do please email the IPKat here and let him know.