Friday fragments
The number of events listed in the IPKat's efficiently-updated 'Forthcoming Events' feature, which lives on the left-hand side-bar of this weblog's front page, stands at 51. An innovation is that FREE events are listed in this charming shade of purple ...
The IPKat welcomes the appointment of his friend Richard Arnold QC as the new Patents Court judge. The author of some excellent and scholarly writing on IP subjects, he has already made a massive mark on trade mark law in the UK in his decisions in LINKIN PARK and the "plague on both your houses" ruling in SPAM/SPAMBUSTER. Also appointed to the Chancery Division is Sonia Proudman QC, whom IPKat readers may remember as the deputy judge who gave the ruling in the recent ALLOS decision. Another Chancery Division appointee with some IP experience is Philip Sales QC who, as a deputy judge, rendered the decision in the Dr Snuggles case; previously he was the Mystery Judge in Tesco Stores v Elogicom. Congratulations to you all!
Even the threat of everyone having to buy their own drinks hasn't deterred a quality response to the invitation to the Intellectual Property Institute's informal meeting for younger IP enthusiasts who view themselves as future participants in the leadership structures of the IPI or indeed any other IP commercial, professional or other body. If you're interested, do let us know. Date: 28 October, 5-7 pm at the Old Nick, Holborn. Full details here.
Next week IPKat team member Jeremy will be attending the MARQUES conference in Noordwijk. In previous years it has been his practice to post daily (or sometimes more frequent) updates on this conference on this blog -- much to the consternation of readers who take fright at the sudden flood of European trade mark-flavoured information. This time round, the routine daily stuff will be posted on Class 46, though any key issues will be posted on the IPKat too, thus reducing the risk of information overload.