A couple of reminders

Right: can you tell which is the original sheep and which is the copy? And does it infringe ...?
Apart from the outstanding speakers (plus team blogger Jeremy in the chair), there's also the small matter of the competition, for which the prize is complimentary admission to the conference (normally £495 plus VAT). The competition this time is this: in 20 words or less, tell us "What is the best of intellectual property advice I ever heard?" Please head your emails "Best IP Advice" and send them here. As usual, the best entries will be published on this blog together the author's name -- unless anonymity is requested. When this competition was announced, the IPKat forgot to add a closing date. Well, he's doing so now: all entries to be received by midnight (Greenwich Mean Time) next Sunday.

Left: you're never too young to become involved with the IPI
You can find The Old Nick here. If you're thinking of turning up but haven't yet let Jeremy know, email him here to warn him. Another warning: everyone has to buy their own drinks! If you would have liked to attend but (i) can’t or (ii) would like to attend a similar event somewhere outside London if enough interest were expressed, email the IPI here and say so.