A Word to the Wise.

One of the most simple things you can do, that will also keep your e-mail very secure, is change your passwords. Change is the one variable that keeps this field on its toes. I sugjest changing your passwords at least once every 3 months. Change your Personal Recovery Questions too!! Sara Palin recently got her e-mail hacked because of obvious and out-of-date recovery questions, and we all know you are smarter than that. Another good rule for passwords, incorporate numbers into the actual password, not just at the end. Instead of: PassWord123; try something new and original:Open2Doors, or 1Word2Pass. Also things you will remember, but not obvious things. Ex: Scary8Ghosts, 21AntEater, WorldCooling, 1337word, my456. Its easy! Just be Creative, Original, and update it frequently. The people that are most likely to guess your passwords are your friends!! so don't be obvious, and don't keep the same password for years, cause chances are one of your friends may see it sometime!