Fraud E-mails, Be Careful!

Yesterday, Wednesday, Microsoft released some statistics about several surveys they have been doing. According to the professionals, several scam e-mails are floating around out there, that aim to take advantage of the recent world financial crisis. They tend to float to the surface every time a world crisis does, as we have seen with the Tsunami that hit Thailand, The Hurricane Katrina disaster, and the earthquakes in Schezuan China. These e-mails will talk about founds being caught up in these disasters, and the scam artists need some type of bailout money. They talk how you will be re-reimbursed with a mini-fortune, or they beg your help for charity. Do Not Comply! They will steal your money! Yahoo had this to say, "Of 5,000 people polled across Europe, only 113 had lost money to an Internet fraudster in the last year. That equates to one in 44 of those questioned. Microsoft said it has formed a coalition with Yahoo!, Western Union and the African Development Bank to help spread the message about hoax emails." Just be careful, trust only those you know, or reputable websites. Don't be afraid to buy online, that will only hurt the e-commerce; but instead go through pay-pal, or use money orders to protect yourself and your credit card.