Security, Marketing, Multi-user Hub, and Multi-user Protection!

Today I found an amazing website that offered a great variety of programs!!
This site is absolutely fantastic for any computer advocate! It has several programs on it, each deals with a specific task in its own way, and they are all free! It has several programs that deal with your personal computers security. 1st Security Agent, and 1st Screen Lock in combination can disable certain programs from multi-user use, password lock files, disable control panel and desktop functions for certain users, create spy log files to track activity, and can even buff up IE security. These are some excellent programs that provide a wide range of security functions. Next you can access a bunch of great marketing/advertising programs. With 1st Mac Mailer and Mail Bomber, you can take mailing lists and send out mass e-mails with either advertising, inquiries, updates or even funny jokes. 1st Mac Mailer specializes in making personal e-mails for specific people, while Mail Bomber is great for spamming the hell out of every e-mail account you have. (Personally I don't use these programs, but they are available and I will tell you about them. There are also programs I will tell you about that stop these spam blasters, so have no fear!) The next programs, Public PC Desktop and 1st Network Admin, are amazing if you have a public or family computer. Public PC Desktop allows you to set up one simple interface and have multiple users easily come up and interact with your machine. With 1st Network Admin, you can close DOS options, hide registers, hide files, and even menus. 1st Network Admin really puts you in charge and is a very valuable tool. Finally if you are receiving mass spam e-mails from your friends who thought Mail-Bomber would be funny, have no fear! You can use Best Mail Server to filter and file your mail. This will eliminate spam, clean out your mail, organize your contacts, archive important documents, and even keep some good mail records. These are all amazing programs and there are even a bunch I didn't discuss. I recommend you visit and checkout some of the free programs today!