EPO: now we are 35

The EPO has just announced that the government of Macedonia (apparently more preferably known as "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", to distinguish it from a next door bit of Greece) deposited their instrument of ratification to the European Patent Convention on 28 October.

(right: a traditional Macedonian instrument of ratification, which can be purchased here)

Macedonia, which is currently an extension state will, as from 1 January 2009, become the 35th member state of the EPC.  European and Euro-PCT applications filed as from that date will have Macedonia automatically designated.  All Macedonians (not just Greek ones) will also be able to use the EPO as a receiving office for filing PCT applications.  It will not be possible to designate retrospectively, but the EPO will allow applications filed on or after 1 December 2008 to be redated if required.