Hello? Is that the Property Office for Intellectuals?

The IPKat is not sure whether this is a joke, so he will let his readers figure it out for themselves.  According to an anonymous tip-off, the UK-IPO (the IPKat still prefers its proper title of 'The Patent Office') is to change its name again. This is, as readers will know, the second name change in just over a year.

The current logo.

The new logo.

Some may think the new logo is quite pretty. Others might even think that the change is in the logo only, and the name remains the same.  The IPKat, however, agrees with the tipper-off that something appears to be fundamentally wrong with it. The new logo appears to suggest that they (the patent office, that is) are the property office for intellectuals, rather than the office for intellectual property. The IPKat is now confused.  Merpel, however, is more concerned with that crown mark, which looks vaguely like the Office is getting royal pretensions. What does it all mean?

UPDATE (28/11/08): It's true! See here (before it all disappears to be replaced with something even more incomprehensible).