Latest JIPLP

The November 2008 issue of Oxford University Press's flagship IP journal, the Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice (JIPLP), is now out. Topics featured in this issue include the following:

* Gillian Davies, formerly of the European Patent Office and now a barrister in Hogarth Chambers, summarises significant decisions of the EPO boards of appeal in 2007;

* Birgit Clark (Boult Wade Tennant) discusses the German Bundesgerichtshof COOL WATER/ICY COLD decision on the legitimacy or otherwise of allusive product names as a means of comparative advertising for imitative perfumes;

* Marianne Schaffner and Sandra Georges (from Linklaters' Paris office) explain three rulings of the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris on how the IP Enforcement Directive's "right to information" should be applied in intellectual property infringement litigation;

* Claire Sellars and Amanda Easey (McDermott Will & Emery) discuss the Court of Appeal decision in Eisai v National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence, in which NICE's procedure for issuing guidance on certain drugs was held to be procedurally unfair;

* Barrister Phillip Johnson (7 New Square) provides an in-depth assessment of the new UK rules for challenging the registration of company names and considers how this regime relates to existing name-protection provisions under regular IP law.

The editorial for this issue, "The great unread", muses on the fact that key documents in IP, in particular End User Licence Agreements, are assumed to be read but in reality are usually not. You can read this editorial in full, and at no cost, here.

Read all the editorials of the past twelve months here
Full contents of this issue here
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