More patent data available online

Via his friend Shabtai Atlow (Patent Attorney, NDS) the IPKat learns that it is now possible to search the Israel Patent Office (ILPTO) database online. Acording to the best available information:

"The Patent Office database contains updated information on Israeli patent applications and allows searches according to various criteria. For non-published applications, access is possible only to bibliographic data due to security considerations. Complete documentation is available for all accepted applications. Bibliographic data only is available for applications which have not yet been accepted.The database currently includes abstracts for all accepted applications for the years 1970-2000.

The direct link to the ILPTO online database is here.

To render the website in English, click the "English" button on the menu-bar at the top of the page. ... Search on the English site seems to work with Firefox without the IE Tab plug-in".

The IPKat is always pleased to learn of patent databases being both accessible and searchable. At a time when so many people criticise the patent system for its real or perceived deficiencies, it is important to remind them that the system has its monumentally valuable advantages too.