Reminders galore

Coming up next Wednesday, 26 November, is CLT's one-day programme, "Copying Without Infringing", in which a series of speakers will discuss the extent to which the unauthorised use of another's IP right can be carried out before legal liability is incurred. A strong panel of speakers will be addressing an equally strong audience that includes in-house representatives of the pharmaceutical, luxury goods, household goods and healthcare, insurance, electronics, software, entertainment, leisure and public sectors. IPKat team blogger Jeremy is in the chair. Venue: Cafe Royal, Piccadilly (London). Brochure and booking details here.

The Rapid Response Seminar on trade mark dilution in the wake of NEXT THURSDAY'S European Court of Justice ruling in Case C-252/07 Intel Corp v CPM (UK) takes place on Tuesday 2 December, 11am to 3pm, at Hardwicke Building -- who are putting on this event with members of the Class 46 European trade mark weblog team. Booking details here. 3 CPD points available. Number attending (as of close of play yesterday): 40.

On the same day and round the corner, but not starting till 3.30pm, is "Intellectual Property as a Brand", an Intellectual Property Institute seminar at which Oxford academic Roya Ghafele introduces her original research, commissioned by the Institute, into attitudes towards IP. Venue: the lovely offices of Lewis Silkin, Chancery Lane. Refreshments kindly sponsored by Olswang. Details from Anne Goldstein.

The next IP Writing Course conducted by IPKat team member Jeremy takes place on Monday 1 December, 1.30pm to 4.45pm in the Fenner Brockway Room, Conway Hall, London. There are still a couple of places available. For details email Jeremy here.

One of the latest events this year is the IP Finance group meeting, "IP Term: What It Means in Finance Terms". Speakers are Anna Feros (from the host, Shepherd & Wedderburn), who speaks about patent term, and John Enser (Olswang), who speaks on copyright term. Date: Tuesday 16 December; the time: 5pm till 6.30pm. This event is free and all are welcome. If you're planning on coming, email Anna here so that we can all be forewarned. Number attending (as of close of play yesterday): 17.

Oh, and before I forget ... This coming Monday, 24 November 2008, Jeremy is giving a public lecture, "Co-existence or no existence", at the University of Leeds, 6-7pm. All details from Joan Loughrey here. Don't be fooled by the title -- it really is about intellectual property law.