Security Breach!

Welcome back fellow web-crawlers! Today I would like to talk about a fascinating new website. It called The Breach Blog and what it does is very revolutionary. You see, when a bridge fails or a building falls in the real world, engineers and companies document what went wrong, so next time they don't make similar mistakes. But for some reason people do not like to do that on the web. If someone gets hacked, or their data is stolen, they tend to fix the issue and never talk about it again, because its embarrassing. But recently this web site The Breach Blog, makes a point of documenting all system breaches or data jacks. It really quite helpful, and entertaining too! This way you can learn simple things that you should never do. For example, someone on the site sold their external hard drive over e-bay, but they forgot to wipe it clean first! The result, the person they sold it to has a large majority of their system information, and even some personal information. And while yes, this may be embarrassing, it is good to share, as it will prevent many others from making the same data-leaking mistake. So check the site out! Even if you don't find it informative, it is always good for a laugh or two!