Animation and VFX Web Seminar

On Monday December 8th, the Creative Studios FX team will be hosting several free Seminars and even a free Webcast on RealFX and Open Season 2; two very high end animation programs. This is really cool, because for once someone is offering free animation classes on very high tech equipment. I quoute, "Its digital pipeline includes three HD Autodesk Smoke and Flame workstations, one HD Autodesk Smoke and Inferno workstation, three SD Autodesk Smoke workstations, one SD Autodesk Smoke and Flint workstation, 30 Autodesk Maya workstations, 19 lighting-and-compositing workstations running The Foundry’s Nuke and Maya, and nearly two dozen more 3D and 2D desktops running Maya and other software." The class will deal with: Creating Characters, Character Motion, Designing Mods, Moving back and forth from 2D Animations and 3D Animations, Rendering Layers,
Smart Media-Management for large scale Projects, and The Challenges of Planing and Executing VFX. If you go here, you can register for the web cast, and I will definitely post more Monday, after the web cast airs.