Are you satisfied now?

A very observant and highly valued informant of the IPKat has drawn his attention to the existence of a forthcoming Staff Satisfaction Survey, to see how people who work at the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market feel about themselves.

Right: scenes from OHIM -- security guards manning the barriers seek to fend off eager examiners who are demanding to be able to come in especially early on their day off in order to spend extra time weighing up those absolute grounds ...

The tender document, which you can read on the Tenders Electronic Daily website here, gives a short description of the job:
"To design, prepare and carry out a staff satisfaction survey along with relevant activities regarding communication, interpretation and analysis of results. To carry out a further survey 2 years later, should the contract be renewed".
The total final value of contract is a paltry EUR 85,415 -- not a vast sum for the economic operator to whom the contract has been awarded: ISR, Albany House, Petty France, London SW1H 9EA, United Kingdom. From ISR's website it looks a pretty dynamic organisation. According to its home page:
"No matter where you are in the world, Towers Perrin-ISR can help your organization improve its performance. We enable you to gain and apply insight from your managers and employees through customized employee surveys and research-based solutions".
Wow, says the IPKat, isn't that marvellous! To be able to achieve so much, for so little cost. The obvious solution is to disband the entire OHIM management and replace it with experts from ISR. Don't be daft, says Merpel, don't you know? It's only when you're not actually doing the job that you're an expert in how to do it.

Satisfaction here