Monday maladies

This was going to be the IPKat's Friday round-up, but Friday came a little too quickly for him ...

The IPKat's superbly-updated 'Forthcoming Events' feature, which occupies a large slice of space on the left-hand side-bar of this weblog's front page, currently lists 25 conferences, seminars and events for your delectation. FREE events are listed in a cheerful blue.

Now that the UK government has declared its surprising and illogical support for a 70-year copyright term for sound recordings (see IPKat here), there has never been a better time to attend tomorrow afternoon's IP Finance weblog meeting "IP term: what it means in finance terms", a discussion on the financial implications of the duration of IP protection. Anna Feros (Shepherd & Wedderburn) discusses patent term, while John Enser (Olswang) deals with copyright term. Details: Tuesday 16 December, 5pm till 6.30pm at Shepherd & Wedderburn's London office (here). If you're coming, email Anna Feros here so that we can all be forewarned. PS, it's FREE! Networking opportunities are good too, since there are already 25 good folk signed up.

For those whose tastes are more obscure, The SPC Blog's seminar on 29 January 2009 is also doing fine. With a remarkable 36 participants already registered, this threatens to break all records for the number of supplementary protection certificate enthusiasts in the same room at the same time. Further details are available here.

Translation of court rulings and OHIM decisions into English and indeed other European languages has been exercising the readers of this weblog again.

Right: there is no truth in the rumour that Luxembourg has been devastated by rowdy hordes of English 'translation tourists' ...

The IPKat's friend Steve Barr has written to tell him:

"During a recent visit in Luxemburg I mentioned the "lack of English translations problem" to my host, who has insider knowledge of the workings of the Luxemburg based Institutions. Apparently the reason for the "no English" translations situation is the reduced number of "English Translators" working at the Court of Justice . He informed me that, to work at the Court of Justice, there is a twin pronged requirement of a Law qualification and language translation skills . He suggested that not enough candidates are offering themselves for the posts available because those with a law qualification can earn more in the UK legal professions without having to leave "Blighty" and also that there has been a drop in numbers of (foreign) language students in the UK, making the recruitment of (mother tongue English ) translators a general problem. Perhaps an interim solution to the problem would be for the ECJ to publish "unofficial" computer-generated translations in those cases where they have been unable to produce an official translation".
As a useful afterthought, Steve gives the IPKat this link to the Curia "English language legal translators" page. So, says the Kat, if you're English, linguistically talented, legally educated and currently or prospectively unemployed within the UK legal professions, this might be the ideal job for you.

Last month ("A katty query on service of documents") the IPKat posed a reader's question: "Can you serve legal documents over MySpace? [or indeed over any other social networking facility]". The Kat received various responses at the time, and has now been referred to an article by Nick Abrahams (Deacons) in the Sydney Morning Herald, "Australian court serves documents via Facebook". Thank you Quincy Wong, for spotting this!