Performance damages: a reader asks ...

"Is there any case law that you are aware of that determines what falls to be paid by a user if no agreement was arrived at prior to a public performance?"We know the basic theory regarding damages for copyright infringement. The wrong is a tort/delict/breach of statutory duty (call it what you will) in respect of which damages are principally compensatory.
Right: This performing cat -- a dancing cat -- is one of a number of enjoyable pieces found on the Graf Gallery website
This principle is fine-tuned when the infringing act covers the sort of activity that is normally licensed, when compensation will generally be fixed with an eye to (i) what sort of licence fee would normally be charged or (ii) how much a willing licensee would be reasonably expected to pay to a willing licensor. But it would be great to look at extant case law and see how the courts have handled the issue on our questioner's facts. If you've any useful cases to share with him, please let the IPKat know. It doesn't matter which jurisdiction they're from, since it will be fun to compare decisions from different places.
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