Are you experienced -- in compulsory licensing?

The Intellectual Property Institute is currently supervising a research project on compulsory patent licences. Part of the project involves interviewing people whose experiences of compulsory licences are real, rather than based on theoretical economic or legal appraisals. Alas, since compulsory licences don't happen that often, it's not easy to find people to interview. So ... if you have hands-on experience of compulsory licensing because you are

(i) a patent owner whose patent has been subjected to a compulsory licence,

(ii) a business that has applied for a compulsory licence, or

(iii) a professional adviser to either of the above, and

(iv) you don't mind answering a few questions about compulsory licences,

please email Paul Leonard at the IPI and let him know (i) who you are and (ii) what the nature of your experience is. It doesn't matter which jurisdiction you're from, so long as you fit the description.

Compulsory licences under the Paris Convention here, and under TRIPs here
Cross border compulsory licensing here
The case for compulsory licensing here