Choose a picture for Tufty!

IPKat fan Denise McFarland suggested a while ago to one of my human amenuenses that it might be a nice idea to allow our readers to choose the picture of me used on the IPKat's sidebar.  This seemed like a good idea to me, although the IPKat's human representatives were far too modest to allow others to pick their best sides.  

So, just for a bit of fun to break up all this tedious discussion about intellectual property, even though my paws make keyboards difficult to operate I have at last put up a selection of pictures of me for you, dear readers, to choose from.  These are on the blog sidebar (at, if you are reading this by email) in the form of a poll, courtesy of  A larger version of each photo can be seen by clicking on the images. 

Once you have picked your favourite, simply click on the 'vote' button.   The final results will be announced once we have enough votes.   

Happy voting!

