Copyright extension - a cartoon explanation

The IPKat would like to thank Glyn Wintle and Becky Hogge of the Open Rights Group for sending him a link to the following video. Becky writes:

"As you know, the Open Rights Group opposes this term extension. Industry lobbyists suggest that extending copyright term will help increase the welfare of performers and session musicians. But the Term Extension Directive, which will be voted on by the Legal Affairs Committee in a few weeks' time, will do no such thing. Instead it will hand millions of Euros over to the world's four major record labels, money that will come direct from the pockets of European consumers. The majority (80%) of recording artists will receive between E0.50 - E26 a year. Helping poor recording artists is a commendable aim. But the Term Extension Directive insults these good intentions: one leading intellectual property expert has called it a deliberate attempt on behalf of the European Commission to deceive Europe's Parliament.

The Open Rights Group have now developed a cartoon, explaining how copyright term extension will work (or otherwise!) for performers. I would be pleased if you thought it worthy of your readers' attention."

The IPKat is very much in agreement with the Open Rights Group on this issue, and wishes them be very best of luck in trying to scupper this proposed unnecessary extension. Any readers who are passionate about this issue should consider coming to an event the ORG are co-hosting inside the European Parliament at the end of this month. All are welcome, but registration is obligatory, via this link.

UPDATE: Justin Watts has emailed the IPKat to remind him about the event held by the AIPPI on 4 February on copyright extension.  More details available here