First Post of 2009

Just a couple of things for my first post of 2009...

It seems that RegRipper is catching on, if this post about Enhancing RegRipper is any indication. I have some comments on the post, and the author has responded.

Christina has updated the eEvidence site again, just before the New always, there are some very promising links...

What 2009 holds...
Not resolutions or predictions, but for 2009, I'd like to do more development on RegRipper, as well as integrate all of my tools into a timeline framework, extending the work of others (Brian Carrier w/ TSK, Michael Cloppert w/ ex-tip, etc.)

Work is progressing on WFA 2/e...I'm currently finishing up chapter 3, and once I get that turned in to my editor, I'll try to get some rewrites done, but I still have one chapter...Registry Analysis...still left to do and get in for review.